On Site: CASE 621F Wheel Loader Handles Large Scale Composting With Brown Bear AttachmentEagle Power & EquipmentEagle Power & Equipment
Eagle Power & Equipment

On Site: CASE 621F Wheel Loader Handles Large Scale Composting With Brown Bear Attachment

The key to any aerobic composting operation is how efficiently can you turn your tonnage of material into usable product. It comes down to how much usable soil you can bring to market or use in your operation at the right production cost. As you look to enter or expand your operation’s use of aerobic composting its best to look for ways to augment your existing equipment.

Eagle Power & Equipment has recently helped CASE Wheel Loader customers get the most out of their composting acreage using self-contained composting aerators from Brown Bear.

Our featured video shows how CASE 621F Wheel Loader running a Brown Bear aerator turns over acres of collected leaves to create rich compost. When you run the numbers, you can see how this attachment delivers serious production capability to your operation!

Contact Eagle Power & Equipment for more information on this attachment or CASE Construction Equipment.

Dewater and Compost

The horizontal aerator provides an economical mechanical solution for dewatering sludge in beds, building windrows, blending bulking agents or additives, pulverizing and aerating or water mixing for aerobic composting. The rapid handling rate exposes 100% of the material to oxygen immediately so that noxious odors can be absorbed. Handling costs can range from one to two cents per ton.

Simple Procedure

The Brown aerator works directly into the material forming it into a windrow. Windrows can be formed from piles of nearly any size. Alleyways are not required with this machine, so there is a great reduction in space requirements. The tires, clearances and propulsion system of the end loader (tool carrier) allows work on irregular bases and normally doesn’t require a special work pad. The reverse rotation works the windrow from the bottom up and to the side.

Low Maintenance

The aerator is simple in design. The principle as a material mover has been proven with over 10 years as a sludge drying and composting tool. The intermittent aerator flights are reversible and bolt on, constructed from abrasion resistant carbon steel.

About Brown Bear

Brown Bear Corporation builds products for the environmental, pipeline, and utility industries. Its products are sold nationally and internationally in several different industries: environmental, pipeline construction, and utility construction and maintenance. All engineering, design, fabrication, paint and assembly, as well as sales and support, is handled out of the Corning, Iowa office.

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